Jenna Horner Jenna Horner

How to Entertain your baby and Encourage Independent Play

Have you heard of a Treasure Basket? One of the reasons I wanted to share this with you is because it really helped to entertain both of my babies when they were little.

It’s basically a collection of everyday objects made from natural materials that you give your baby or toddler to play with. Items that may seem mundane to you will spark their curiosity and fascinate your little one. You can even have themed collections such as wood, metal etc.

The idea is that you keep this collection of everyday objects in a basket out of sight until you decide to give it them to play with. This makes the items more intriguing and will entertain your baby for longer as they are not used to having them around.

Heuristic Play

Treasure baskets often go hand in hand with heuristic play which is all about giving your baby the opportunity to discover or learn something for themselves. When you give your baby or toddler their treasure basket avoid interacting with them or showing them how to play whilst they are discovering the new objects. Just make sure you are in the same room as this will make them feel safe and stop them from coming to find you (the perfect excuse to sit down and drink that hot cup of tea)

Allow them to use their curiosity to discover the new objects and figure out how they want to play with them for themselves. This ignites the feeling of excitement, helps to develop their creativity and encourages them to play independently.

Here are some of the objects my babies liked to play with the most…

Click here to watch my Treasure Basket Reel on Instagram

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Jenna Horner Jenna Horner

Mum Rage and How to Cope in the Moment

I want to normalise feeling overwhelmed and the moments of rage that creep up on us when we are not expecting it. With all the challenges that motherhood brings there is so much pressure for new mums to cope. We feel a need to meet high expectations with limited support, not just because it is expected, but because we want to give the newest member of the family the best start in life. Society is not set up to support new parents. Parenting is an all consuming responsibility that we are meant to somehow fit into an already busy life.

Whilst the complexity of overwhelm is something that needs our attention, I want to focus on what you can do when your bucket is full and the stress is building. Whether it’s the lack of sleep, constant crying, the mental load or the all consuming weight of responsibility, it's easy to feel like you are no longer able to give any more of yourself. 

Trying to manage overwhelm and building a support network has many advantages.  Developing strategies for long term coping is essential but what about in the crux moments? Let’s start out by acknowledging there is no wonder you are feeling this way AND you are NOT alone. 

In a world where motherhood is portrayed as all sparkles, love, fun and joy, mothers are in the habit of suppressing this pent-up pressure into deep, dark corners, and if they do bubble over, it’s with a whole lot of shame and guilt. 

As society starts to recognise the pressure felt by many women, ‘Mum Rage’ is becoming a more familiar term. An uncontrollable, inexplicable anger that takes over in the heat of the moment and leaves you feeling like you no longer know yourself. These deepest, darkest moments of motherhood are more common than you probably realise and to be able to normalise and address them we NEED to talk about them. 

If WE can use these moments to take action we can help our children understand how to cope in stressful situations too, a valuable tool for any parent. You may have already experienced that when your stress levels increase so does your child's and this can contribute to the escalating situation.

One reason for this is the mirror neurons which can help our children regulate their emotions. Essentially if we can be calm with our tone of voice and facial expression, then they can too. If we are losing it then they can’t possibly hold it together either.

5 Easy Techniques to Diffuse Mum Rage

1.Push Against a Wall – When our body is activated by stress, taking action and pushing against something will allow the body to use up that nervous or stress energy.

2.Time Out/Lie down – Can you set up a space so you can leave your kids alone for a short time in a safe place? This is age dependent obviously but a chance to take a break for just a few minutes to gather yourself. You could then implement tip 3 or 4. If you can’t leave the room then simply lie down on the floor, don’t be surprised if the kids join in, it should take the energy in the room down.

3.Breathe – Take a deep breath might feel like old news but science is on our side here. An easy breath to remember is to exhale like you are softly blowing through a straw, this can be done anywhere. You can even go for a full open mouthed sigh out (loudly if you don’t care who hears) 

4.Humming - is less conspicuous but works on more than one level and can be done relatively quietly. I often do this one in the car and the kids don’t even notice. Humming activates the vagus nerve which communicates chilled vibes to many of your major organs, helping them and you to relax.

5.Get Outside – A change of scene can help everyone, if you can get to a green space all the better but the Mental Health Foundation found that interacting with your window box/ plant or sticking on a nature documentary also has value.

As we get better at allowing our children to have emotions instead of suppressing them we can use these difficult moments to model how to resolve and repair relationships. I don’t mind admitting that after the first few times of losing my s**t in front of my children, I used to withdraw consumed by the shame and guilt instead of apologising for the way I had reacted. 

After a bit of soul searching I realised that this was a great opportunity to show my children how to deal with the aftermath of an argument or outburst. Apologising to my children not only allowed me to reconnect with them but I noticed that my children started to apologise after their upsets too. I would like to make it clear that this doesn’t happen EVERY time my kids have a meltdown. It did highlight to me, however, that they learn far more from what you do than what you say.

If you are struggling to cope with any aspect of your pregnancy or parenthood please reach out to a family member or health professional. 

By Caroline Meadows

Therapist & Hand in Hand Parenting coach 

  For more tips, support or upcoming classes find me

Or join my community on FB carriemeadows76/

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Plastic Free Toys Jenna Horner Plastic Free Toys Jenna Horner

How to Reduce your Baby’s Exposure to Microplastics

Recent research has found an alarming amount of microplastic in babies poo. If you are wondering how it got there, unfortunately there are a multitude of sources. Plastics are embedded into our daily lives and it would be impossible to irradicate all of them. It is also unclear (due to limited research) what the long term affects these chemicals are having on our bodies but we feel strongly that parents should be aware of the disparity of contamination in babies compared to adults. Here is what you need to know and some easy steps you can take to reduce your baby’s exposure to them.

Everywhere scientists look they are finding microplastic, even in the remotest of places. We are all now more aware of the colossal effect the vast amount of plastic is having on our planet…BUT…we are only just starting to understand the detrimental effect it is having on our health.

Every time a plastic bag or bottle degrades, it breaks into smaller pieces that enter our environment in a number of ways. When you wash synthetic fabrics, tiny fibers break loose and enter our water systems. The enormous amount of microplastic found in the depths of the oceans are inevitably eaten by fish that we then consume. Unfortunately the list goes on…

A class of chemicals called endocrine-disrupting chemicals, or EDCs, are the main concern and are found in many plastics. EDC’s disrupt hormones and have been connected to reproductive, neurological, and metabolic problems. The infamous plastic ingredient BPA is one such EDC that has been linked to various cancers.

In a small study, researchers from New York University School of Medicine discovered that infants have 10 to 20 times higher microplastic concentrations in their stools than adults. When trying to understand why this might be, they focused on the various sources of exposure. Kurunthachalam Kannan, a professor in the paediatrics department at NYU, and the lead researcher on the study said;

“We found that infants’ mouthing behaviour, such as crawling on carpets and chewing on textiles, as well as various products used for children including teethers, plastic toys, feeding bottles, utensils such as spoons … can all contribute to such exposure.”

Little is known about the full extent of human exposure to microplastic because research is limited but Kannan was clear about how we need to move forward..

“We need to make efforts to reduce exposure in children. Children’s products should be made free of plastics.”

Microplastics have contaminated every aspect of our lives, so while we’ll never get rid of them, we can at least reduce our exposure to them.

We have focused on baby products that are mostly made from plastic and have found brands that are offering safe alternatives that would help to decrease your baby’s exposure to these harmful chemicals.


Feeding Bottles

Plastic feeding bottles make up 82% of the world market. Scientists have found that the recommended high-temperature process for sterilising plastic bottles and preparing formula milk caused bottles to shed millions of microplastics and trillions of even smaller nanoplastics.

Both the hot water and shaking steps produced a lot of microplastics, which are far smaller than the width of a human hair. Nanoplastics are so small they are very hard to count, but the scientists estimated trillions were produced per litre of fluid.


One alternative is to prepare the formula in a glass or stainless steel container and then transfer into the plastic feeding bottle. Alternatively there are now a number of feeding bottles that are made from glass or stainless steel.


One Green Bottle

Heather Nicholson founded One Green Bottle in 2006 after being concerned about chemicals leaching into drinks from plastics and the eternal problem of disposing of huge amounts of plastics and plastic debris in the environment.

She had worked as an industrial chemist in Europe and Asia and was aware of the chemical composition of plastics and how readily compounds could leach into drinks. She Identified 304 grade stainless steel as the most inert, safe and toxin free material around.

One Green Bottle have recently launched their new baby bottles. The bottle is made from stainless steel and comes with a silicone rubber slow flow teat

The single wall stainless steel means that liquid can cool down and heat up safely and easily. All their products are FDA/BS EN 14350 certified

They are suitable for newborns and adapt as your baby develops, interchangeable with teats that have a range of flows and then can be swapped for a sippy cup lid when your baby gets a bit older.


Play Mats

Over ninety percent of all of the carpet made today is made up of synthetic fiber and one of the suggested reasons for the disparity of increased levels of microplastics in babies is because they have closer contact with carpets and furniture when learning to crawl.

This is clearly one of the sources that is much harder to replace. Regularly hoovering carpets to keep floors clear of microfibers is a more manageable way to reduce your babies contact points. You can also put a layer of protection between your baby and the carpet by using a play mat that is made from 100% organic materials for your baby to lie on.

These Non-Toxic play mats from Pure Earth Collection are even better as they are naturally antibacterial and easy to clean…


Pure Earth Collection

Pure Earth Collection is a multi award winning eco children’s brand. The company was founded by Emma Bianco through her love of babies, the planet and all things natural. Having suffered from allergies and other health issues for many years, she started looking more deeply into what might be causing the growing health complaints faced by so many of us today.

Pure Earth Collection believe that babies and children should be nurtured in a natural and non-toxic environment as much as is practical for modern day life.

They have developed a unique process for their play mats that are made from tree foam which is a natural rubber foam underside with cork on top, sustainably harvested from the sap and the bark to protect and maintain the living trees.

These non-toxic play mats are FREE from PVC, EVA, formaldehyde, formamide and other synthetic and dangerous materials and chemicals. The cork top is naturally antibacterial and provides a wipe clean surface. It is super lightweight and rolls up easily for storage or taking outside.



Babies tend to put most things they can get their hands on into their mouth. Teething toys can be made from all sorts of materials which makes it difficult to know what brands are safe, especially with recent findings of toys that are labelled as BPA FREE containing BPA! Lots of babies also love to chew on fabric and with the majority of toys being made from plastic, polyester or combinations of other synthetic materials they are hard to avoid.


There are brands out there, however, that have built their businesses on their passion to offer natural alternatives. Choose toys that are made from natural materials such as natural rubber, wood and 100% organic fabrics such as cotton or bamboo.


Pure Earth Collection

Another great alternative from Pure Earth Collection are their 100% organic comforters that are made completely from natural materials (including the fillers)

Their Organic cotton plush comforters are GOTS certified with biodegradable bamboo filling. Their attention to detail is exceptional with Safe inks on labels, Oeko-Tex certified to class 1.

Pure Earth Collection also make organic sensory toys and have a wide range of products that have been designed by Emma who works tirelessly to raise awareness on the issues of harmful chemicals in baby products via her blog and social media platforms. Other products include sleeping bags, blankets and travel beds.


Our Teething Toys

Cloud and Cuckoo was also born our of a desire to provide alternatives to all the plastic teething toys that have flooded the market. My Friend Goo and My Friend Hoot are made from organic natural rubber straight from the Hevea Tree. Our manufacturer has been awarded GOLS (Global Organic Latex) accreditation. This is something to be celebrated as they are the first ever natural organic rubber toy company to achieve this certification.

My Friend Hoot Teething Toy

My Friend Hoot is our smallest and lightest natural rubber teething ring; perfect for babies who start displaying teething symptoms at an early age. The soft natural rubber is perfect for sore gums and perfect to chew. My Friend Hoot makes the perfect first toy and is CE and UKCA Certified.


They believe in preservation and reforestation and work closely with the plantation owners to ensure responsible farming to ensure their rubber is made in the most environmentally sustainable manner. No chemicals are added to the land or the latex, making their raw material just as nature intended.

My Friend Goo Natural Teething Toy

The unique design of our teething toy ‘My Friend Goo’ offers your baby the comfort of a dummy without becoming something they rely on. Similar to a teething ring, the shape means your baby can hold Goo independently from an early age. This helps to develop fine motor skills and hand to eye coordination which are the foundation of future milestones.


We hope you found this blog helpful. Feel free to comment below with links to other businesses that are working hard to create natural alternatives to the plastic that continues to flood the baby industry.

Thanks, Jenna

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Jenna Horner Jenna Horner


Introducing solids can be an exciting time for you and your baby, a whole new world of flavour and texture awaits them. As with many aspects of parenting the reality can sometimes feel a little different to the expectation so we’ve put together our top 5 tips to help you through.




1.Use safe Sensory toys from birth

Teething toys are great practice for your baby. Developing their grab reflex when the toy is placed in their hand will soon develop into a grab and drop response. It won’t be long before they are bringing the teether to their mouth to explore further. This helps to encourage the development of Fine Motor Skills and Hand-eye coordination. As they continue to explore with their mouth this also helps to develop the muscles used for chewing and exploring food. 

2. Milk is still vitally important for your baby and patience is key.

Introducing your baby to solid foods should start when your baby is around 6 months old. It is important to remember however that, until the age of one, milk is still the priority – solids are meant to be an addition, not a substitution. Don’t worry about how much your baby actually eats. It’s about encouraging a positive relationship with food rather than it becoming their main source of nutrition. At first, it’s all about fun, learning and experimentation. Initially your baby will need to understand they are moving from from only milk to milk and solids. Ensure your baby is accepting and being open to the idea of eating food, you may notice they start to pay attention to the food as they watch you eat or might try to take food out of your hand when you are eating. You can start weaning with first tastes which is single vegetables and fruits, you could also offer soft finger foods - cooked sticks of carrot, broccoli, sweet potato, etc.

3. Expand their palate.

Once weaning is established and your baby is content and happily accepting foods, progress to combining flavours and expanding your baby’s palate. It’s easy to get comfortable using the same ingredients, especially if they enjoy eating it. If it’s all going well, try to introduce new foods, flavour and textures where you can. You could try one new food and one new texture type a week.

4. Be prepared for good and bad days.

There may be other factors that affect your babies response to food. If your baby is teething or feeling unwell this can drastically affect how much they will want to eat. They may like one food one day and not want it the next. Also be prepared for mess. It may feel disheartening to prepare food for your little one to enjoy only to find the majority of it plastered all of the floor and themselves but this is a good sign your baby is enjoying meal times.

5.It might get emotional.

There is so much pressure on making sure your baby is getting enough food and nutrition. Like with most aspects of parenting, everyone from your well meaning mother in law to a random stranger in a restaurant likes to offer words of wisdom and this can often feel judgemental and unhelpful. You may also feel triggered by advice from other members of your family as this may relate to your own childhood but approaches have changed over the years. Trust yourself and take the pressure off where you can. You ARE doing a brilliant job!



BLW helps to promote good eating behaviours and protect children against excess weight gain. It can also reduce picky eating behaviours and make it easier for parents to introduce new foods to their babies. Your little one has the chance to choose, pick up and explore food themselves. Helping them to gain independence. They get used to different food textures from the beginning.



Once your baby has learned to sit up unaided, you can help them adjust to their new position by giving them some time in their highchair before you start introducing food. Give them a favourite toy and let them watch you prepare food for yourself. Helping your baby to become familiar with certain aspects of their new environment will help them know what to expect. Preparation is key so here is a list of some other things you might need…

  • High Chair

  • Plate and Bowl

  • Steamer

  • Blender

  • Messy Mat

  • Weaning Storage Pots with lids

  • Ice Cube Trays with Lids

The Flavour Academy

Zenia from The Flavour Academy has put together a Complete Online Weaning Course. You may have heard first hand her in-depth science based knowledge of the weaning process in our Instagram LIVE but we haven’t really touched the surface. Each module has been structured to guide you through each step from the fundamentals of weaning and baby nutrition through to sensory weaning, exploring flavour and texture, meal planning and preparation. There really is everything you need to help you along your weaning journey.

The Flavour Academy

Baby and the Gang

Baby and the Gang have a recently developed a range of silicon table-wear perfect for when you decide to start introducing solids. Easy to clean, microwave safe and BPA FREE.

They have also just launched their NEW sensory box which is Ideal for helping your baby prepare for weaning too.

Baby and the Gang

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Things to Buy Guest User Things to Buy Guest User

Sustainable Gift Ideas For Your Family This Christmas

Christmas. The time of year where everyone swarms the shops in search for the perfect gifts for their loved ones. To avoid the hustle and bustle we have listed sustainable, ethical and eco-friendly UK businesses that sell wonderful products we think your family will love and the best thing is, they can all be delivered straight to your own front door.

Christmas. The time of year where everyone swarms the shops in search for the perfect gifts for their loved ones. To avoid the hustle and bustle we have listed sustainable, ethical and eco-friendly UK businesses that sell wonderful products we think your family will love and the best thing is, they can all be delivered straight to your own front door.

Bamboo Bamboo

A business born from a father fed-up with upside-down bowls on the floor and the constant cleaning of food on surfaces. Bamboo Bamboo eliminates the need for numerous cheap plastic bowls and plates taking up space in your cupboards. Specialising in eco-friendly, organic bowls and plates (made of course from Bamboo) that utilise silicon suction bases which prevent the product from ending up on the floor and food being wasted. A win-win for everyone!

Keep + Kind.

A businesses built to make sustainable gifting easy and accessible to all. They are committed to sustainability through-and-through with both their products and packaging options. Within their range of gifts are some lovely bath bombs for your baby to enjoy during bath time and are proven to be a good enticement if your child is refusing to bathe. Alternatively, if you are shopping for someone else (or even yourself as self-care is important) browse their store and grab some stylish and sustainable eco-friendly items.

You can shop the baby and bath collection via the following link

Build your own: The New Baby Gift Box

Build your own: The New Baby Gift Box

Buttons Attic


A baby and kids clothing Etsy shop selling beautiful handmade items for little ones in the age range of 0-12 years.

Using bold and unique designs these garments make a great Christmas purchase not only for your child but for other children too, as every purchase supports the African Impact Foundation; which is a charity and non-government organisation working to equip young people with education and the skills to move out of poverty.

So get the Christmas films on, get the Button Attic clothes under the tree, chuck some carrots out for the “reindeer” and relax.


Baby and The Gang.

To end this blog we would like to give a mention to Baby and The Gang. They are an independent retailer and online baby store which stocks organic and ethically produced branded items. They share similar values to us and believe that sourcing ethically and organically is important for your littles ones.

They sell items ranging from Lie-wood Pacifiers that you can slip into a Christmas stocking to Little Dutch Balance Bikes which would look great under the Christmas tree.

You can check out their website through the following link: We would also recommend that you browse their outlet page to grab some lovely items on sale; leaving you with more money to spend on that Christmas dinner you said you would prepare!

I hope this blog inspired you and gave you some ideas this Christmas. If there are any sustainable businesses you can think that deserve some awareness, please leave the business name in the comments below. Also, let us know if you go on to purchase anything from the businesses we have mentioned!

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Teething Troubles Jenna Horner Teething Troubles Jenna Horner

Teething Tips

‘He’s probably teething’

This is something which has been said to me over & over again since having my little boy. Teething, teething, teething. Everything gets blamed on those illusive teeth but there are so many different symptoms, & remedies. It’s a minefield!

Written by: Francine Breslin

‘He’s probably teething’

This is something which has been said to me over & over again since having my little boy. Teething, teething, teething. Everything gets blamed on those illusive teeth but there are so many different symptoms, & remedies. It’s a minefield!

My little boy started dribbling…I mean really dribbling…at about 5 weeks old.  We were going through at least 8 soaked through bibs a day. ‘Oh he’s definitely teething’  is what everyone told us…his first tooth came through 9 months later! That is a long time to be teething with no sign of actual teeth. One thing I didn’t know before having a baby is that the teeth are busy moving round & getting into place way before they actually emerge from the gum which is why teething tends to take a looong time. A long & often painful time.

Looking online at signs of teething or ways to ease the discomfort opens up a whole new fountain of fun. I found lots of conflicting information so I thought it might be useful to compile a list to help shed some light on things.

Common symptoms of teething:

  • Chewing on items and fingers

  • Drooling

  • Irritability    

  • Swollen gums

  • Grabbing/rubbing ears

  • Rubbing face

  • Off their food

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Teething rash/red cheeks

  • Runny nose

  • Diarrhoea/nappy rash

  • Blood blister in the mouth

  • Raised temperature


Some things that helped us along the way…

Dribble bibs

Dribble bibs became my new best friend.

Cloud and Cuckoo dribble bibs are super absorbent perfect for any teething baby or toddler. Cut to fit snug around the neck they keep your baby dry and help to prevent rashes. Made from cotton and lined with micro fleece Cloud and Cuckoo dribble bibs trap excess moisture and reduce the amount bib changes throughout the day.


Invest in a decent teether

Anything they can get their hands on goes straight into the mouth.

They seem to find great relief in biting and chewing anything, hence our reason for designing ‘My Friend Goo’.


Distraction techniques

Poor things, nothing you do can soothe them. They don’t want to be held, but they don’t want to be put down. Nothing you can do is right. Bad times in baby-land. I tried a million and one different distraction techniques, listening to music, singing, dancing, favourite toys, bouncing on my yoga ball whilst holding him (at times rather vigorously), reading a book.  Sometimes they worked, sometimes they didn’t but it was worth a try.


Carrot, celery and cucumber sticks

These are great for biting even before the teeth come. The other great thing is you can leave them in the fridge or freezer so they are lovely and cold. 

Frozen Fruit

Similar to carrots, celery and cucumber; frozen fruit like berries and bananas, are another way to soothe sore gums (wait a ten minutes or so when you take the fruit out of the freezer).


Knotted frozen flanel/muslin

I know this sounds a bit weird but I cut up a square of muslin tied them into a knot, ran them under cold water and then left them in the freezer for emergencies when his mouth was really hot. This might not work for everyone but again in my darkest moments anything was worth a go.


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Things To Do Jenna Horner Things To Do Jenna Horner

All The Autumn Feels: Ideas for textures, tastes and sights for your baby this Autumn.

I don’t know about you, but I have my arms wide open, ready to welcome Autumn. The cozy nights, pumpkin spiced lates, halloween and all the fun it brings; I am so ready for the new season ahead! I think we can all agree that this year has been nothing like we have ever known.

Written by: Amelia Mae Cunningham


I don’t know about you, but I have my arms wide open, ready to welcome Autumn. The cozy nights, pumpkin spiced lates, halloween and all the fun it brings; I am so ready for the new season ahead! I think we can all agree that this year has been nothing like we have ever known. Summer and spring kind of mangled into one and making the most of a bad situation wasn’t always possible… But a new season is just around the corner and it’s one that will bring lots of joy to our little ones!

Autumn is full of wonderful seasonal tastes and sights making it a really different and exciting time for babies who are ready to explore. Here are some baby friendly ideas that will get their senses going and give you both all the autumn feels…

Vibrant Fallen Leaves

Do something different on your next stroll out this Autumn and collect the vibrant, crisp fallen leaves. Your baby will love looking at all the different colourful shades and crunching or throwing them up in the air will provide endless fun!

Activity tip: Introduce your baby to some arts and crafts by making a big Autumn leaf collage with all of the leaves you have collected. This is a great activity not only just for you and baby but for the whole family if you have any other older children who can get involved too! Just invite your child to stick down all the leaves onto a big sheet of card and paper to make a vibrant Autumn art piece!

Seasonal favourites

Conkers, pinecones, acorns… they are all certain to bring lots of fun to those curious minds and busy little hands! These autumnal favourites can be spotted on your walks. Your baby will love exploring these new and intriguing objects.

Activity tip: Gather your findings into Tupperware or just an empty clear drinks bottle and create your very own sensory bottles that your baby can shake and look at!

Supervision at all times to ensure nothing goes in their mouths!

Materials: -Glass/plastic bottle -Goo Gone -Fall leaves -Glitter -Corn Syrup -Super Glue any will do

Pick and paint a Halloween staple

The perfect autumn outdoor activity for you and your baby this year could be a trip to your nearest pumpkin patch! There are lots of farms offering beautiful spaces for people to come and pick their very own pumpkins. Don’t forget to have a fully charged phone as you won’t want to miss out on capturing your little one with the pumpkins!

Activity tip: Bring the ultimate Halloween staple to life with some paint and brushes and spend some time getting creative with your baby to give your pumpkins a real scare factor! The perfect sensory activity for your baby to get stuck into and you will be surprised how much you will enjoy it too.

baby in a pumpkin.jpeg

Sweet Autumnal Delight

Blackberries are a wonderful, sweet and punchy fruit that thrive in the Autumn months. There are lots about on bushes and trees so it would be worth having a good look when you are next out with your baby! Picking some could be a cute activity for you to do with baby, not to mention they are packed full of goodness!

Yummy tip: Once picked and washed, your baby may enjoy them mushed as a sweet desert or snack. If you have toddlers or babies that are eating solids already, they may enjoy this fruit on it’s own!

Stay warm and most importantly have fun and enjoy all this new season has to offer with your baby!

Visit Amelia Mae Cunningham’s Website here to read other blog posts about motherhood and family life:

Follow us at @CloudandCuckoo on Instagram

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Teething Troubles Guest User Teething Troubles Guest User

My Friend Goo Mentioned on The Unmumsy Mum Blog!

The Unmumsy Mum mentions My Friend Goo in her blog post titled “Top 5 Really Bloody Useful Things Baby Products (not an ad)” .

The Unmumsy Mum mentions My Friend Goo in her blog post titled “Top 5 Really Bloody Useful Things Baby Products (not an ad)” and writes: “ As I type this, I have just put a very cross baby Wilf down for a nap (with the white noise blasting, obvs) and MY GOD he has been hard work today. I know it's not his fault, I know he is never deliberately 'hard work' but his teeth have been causing him no end of bother and Jesus, don't we know it! I'm pretty sure he has been teething since the moment he came out. We have trialled loads of teethers since and the best one by far is My Friend Goo, a lightweight natural rubber beauty. For Wilf, the charm comes from the fact that Goo is super easy for small babies to keep hold of (a triumph where many others have failed), which makes him a a great chewy companion for the pram or baby bouncer. We (or rather Wilf) really recommend Goo. “

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Teething Troubles Jenna Horner Teething Troubles Jenna Horner

My Friend Goo featured on 'The Curious Life of a Mummy' Blog

A great review! When someone can describe the benefits of a product you've designed better than you can, it makes it all worth while. Thank you The Curious Life of a Mummy...and Olivia of course. Xxx

A great review! When someone can describe the benefits of a product you've designed better than you can, it makes it all worth while. Thank you The Curious Life of a Mummy...and Olivia of course. Xxx

Read the article here

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