Better for Your Baby and Better for the Planet

Cloud and Cuckoo founder Jenna arranging plants and decor in a room with wall-mounted planters.


Like most parents, the weight of responsibility can feel overwhelming at best. The fate of the tiny human you created lies firmly in your hands and there are way too many decisions to make, things to do and plates to spin. Just as you start to get a grip on the current state of affairs they hit a new milestone and yet again your are hurled into another variation of chaos.

aAs a new mother I found the essential baby products that were available on the market just didn’t cut the mustard. The amount of brightly coloured flashing plastic wasn’t what I was looking for and when my first born started putting everything in her mouth I knew I had to find some alternatives.

No amount of late night random google searches led me to what my daughter needed and the designer in me had already picked up a sketch book and planted the seeds for what is now my small business - Cloud and Cuckoo.


Ecologi facilitate the funding of carbon offset projects and tree planting around the world. Their mission is to reduce 50% of global CO2 emissions by 2040 and responsibly plant billions of trees every year. 

Each month we contribute a portion of our profits to fund reforestation in areas designated by Ecologi.

We believe it is our responsibility to help tackle the biggest threat of our generation. Collectively, with a little input from a lot of people, we have the power to secure our future.